
No Take Swim - Lundy
We're three brothers (Jack, Calum and Robbie) from the outback of Northern England. Born in Yorkshire and later strewn around the world - now based respectively in Sydney, London and Slovakia. We attempt unique endurance swims, write books, create artwork, host events, attend invitational swims and share our stories worldwide in an effort to promote a closer connection with nature through outdoor swimming.
We grew up swimming together and spent our childhood in Cumbria's Lake District and the Highlands of Scotland. We scrambled down rivers like clumsy commandos, hurled ourselves off stacks and piers and generally sought new and inadvisable ways to make the outdoors our playground. Then we fell into that deathly clinch they call ‘adulthood’. We settled into the urban grind - forgot about the rivers and the hills and the forests and cold water wake-ups. We traded it all for concrete habitats patrolled by spacially-unaware pigeons and howling foxes.
Of course, we weren’t the only ones…
Stress, apathy and anxiety lurk everywhere in our society. We’ve been inured to an artificial world of flickering screens, manicured green spaces and juddering commutes. For the most part, we settle for what’s ordinary, or comfortable. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it isn’t always healthy and it only ever leads us where we expect to go.
So, we as a family have set out on a different path. To date our biggest swims include: